Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wards Ap Bio Lab 5 Question Answers

RepRap - for affordable, open source 3D printer for home use

RepRap from Adrian Bowyer on Vimeo.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Amtrak Online Simulator

acrobatics - the Hammer!

Eike von Stuckenbrok, the name you have to remember:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Asa Illegal Softball Bats

English is evil: do you know the correct writing of the word "fish"? It's "ghoti"!

English is one of the meanest languages in the world. It persuades you when you start learning it. It tricks you into a warm gut feeling, making you believe that it is easy to learn and to master. What your teacher does not tell you: as a non-native speaker you almost never get past a point of basic understanding and even more basic capacity of expression.

Just one example is English spelling, which is extremely decoupled from pronunciation. There is a popular story about G. B. Shaw, where he sarcastically suggests to the English speaking community to spell the word fish as ghoti: f like in tough, i like in women, and sh like in nation.

My House Is Really Dry

there soon be no more normal Navis?

Was wird jetzt aus PTV in Karlsruhe? Werden da alle arbeitslos?

Pokemon Fnac Portugal

music video

Just some easy pop to switch off your brain, lean back and enjoy!

chance find: Just relax a bit catchy pop around!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Monster Drink Distributing

Thank you, dear voter

Thanks to all the voters of black and yellow! Stay tuned for the next four years! You have your choice with risky given the job of the politicians
  • to run wide, irrespective of suspicion monitoring *)
  • operate a nationwide infrastructure censorship on the Internet *)
  • , old nuclear power plants continue to let
  • tuition nationwide introduce
  • genetically modified food in Germany to allow (and not to compensate organic farmers if their organic crops are infected with manipulated genes)
  • make jobs less secure by easing employment protection
  • the retirement age to 67 introduce
  • the two-tier health system strengthening
  • a passenger car toll introduce
  • just continue the economic policies that led to the current crisis
  • your tax money continues to banks to throw in the throat
  • social cuts operate
  • can to ensure that the remaining residual discrimination against gays and lesbians is cemented in Germany *)
  • How stupid you really are:
and last but not least?

A contrite

*), the FDP is against it, but we like with the bugging the CDU buckle

PS: Pirates nationwide from zero to 2%, with the first male voters, 13% and in Karlsruhe 3 , 5%. 2011, the Orange are in the Diet in 2013 in the Bundestag and BW! There

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cervix Very Low And Firm Could I Be Pregnant?

Info My contribution to the pirate party, happy to send!

pleas for the Pirate Party is now in very many blogs. I publish but still times following text that I have distributed to many of my friends via e-mail. You may be happy to do so, if you want to do the Pirate Party is known, especially among people who otherwise are not the Internet a lot or do not have as deep an insight into the technical side.

love voters :-)

I would like to inform you shortly before the general election tomorrow, a bit about the Pirate Party. I find that this party this time is an interesting alternative, but what few people noticed. Those who, like me, is one of the digital natives , so the original inhabitants of the Internet, the campaign feels very dominated by that party. The 90 % Of the population who receive the information via radio, television and posters, but an incomplete, distorted or very often not a picture of the party because it is simply ignored. I hereby would like to counter a little.

Support the pirates are not pedophiles and distributors of child pornography?
This rumor, which has, oddly enough, persistently, you have probably already clear at the very beginning. The pirates plead for these illegal delete content from the servers on the Internet, making the provider identify and punish. This does not require comprehensive monitoring and censorship infrastructure.
much rubbish you hear in connection with the inclusion of Joerg Tauss in the party. The pirates have spoken about this clear: If the allegations are confirmed and he will be convicted, he was expelled from the party. At the prejudged by the media they do not participate.

What are the challenges to be addressed by the pirates best?
developed, the German government recently frightening desires that are not perceived by many, or not understood, as their technical principles are complex. A major problem is the monitoring and now censorship infrastructure is set up nationwide and used given suspicion. A satirical approach to the subject offers the following video:
http://mauriceofearth. blogspot.com/2009/09/rette- your-freiheit.html represents
The Pirate Party while the resistance to these measures actually dictatorships reserved most credible. But even outside the internet, there are extremely worrying developments, such as the invariable transfer of air passenger data and bank transaction data to other states and the connection between intelligence and police:
http://www.heise.de/ newsticker/Innenministerium- will-intelligence-to- Polizei-machen--/meldung / 145 887
The Pirates are calling for a glassy state and want to prevent the transparent citizen.

If the pirates are not a one-issue party?
Here the pirates have in fact a weakness. However, they are much more than real sector parties such as the driver party. The opinion from the Pirates is not yet so well established in width as in the five established parties, but already quite advanced (read at http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/ party program).

The copyright but do ! Abolish What should artists live then?
Wrong. The pirates want to abolish copyright law does not reform but. The right to private copying should be strengthened and the balancing of the interests of artists and their fans are better dealt with at a standard rate without criminalizing an entire generation. In the digital age there is no "piracy" more. Robbery is the forcible removal of foreign matters. When a digital present work is copied, the original remains unchanged. In addition, the Internet is based on the principle of the copy. If one is a Web browser, was the source page that is on the web server already made a local copy. Here, the law must the new technical realities.

The Pirates are committed not to promote women and homosexuals!
this absurd debate came on in the meantime. The claim is true, the reason is a very pleasing: For the mostly young party supporters, it is obvious that women and homosexuals have equal rights. Unlike other parties, we believe from the Pirates that you have to mention not need such an obvious fact. So I was very pleased to see a state of the Pirates to a matter of course on the gay and lesbian festival in the city Summer in Berlin.

I could go on about many other topics Speaking occupied the Pirate Party with very reasonable positions: Patents on living things, software and business processes; free access to knowledge that arises from publicly funded research; neutrality in international conflicts, and more.

Finally, the obligatory campaign portal with party promotional video:
http://klarmachen-zum-aendern. de /

Very important: Please let me have you not indoctrinate other and form your own opinion!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mac Highliter In Pearl

houses from the 3-D printer

A British company wants to revolutionize the building. Buildings were designed in 3-D CAD software to a gigantic 3-D printers are simply printed in the landscape! Why is there no one on it before actually come?

A British enterprise wants to revolutionize the art of building. They want to "print" houses as they are designed in 3D CAD software using a gigantic 3D printer. Why did nobody have that idea before? found


on heise.de

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Zig Zag Vs Swisher Sweet

Jochen Distelmeyer - Let us love sexen be

Blumfeld has unfortunately disbanded two years ago, but frontman Distelmeyer makes the familiar, more high-quality style. What sounds superficially like slightly catchy pop has many, many layers and is above all others fine poetry! A very large star, which stands out nicely in the German musical monotony.

How To Connect A Ps3 Diagram

Warning! The following video is hard reality. But should be viewed by anyone who eats eggs from time to time, or products containing the egg. Please the next time the supermarket think about how are eggs and products containing eggs! And do not fall for the images of happy chickens on the packaging!

more videos at http://veg-tv.info/

What Things Can You Find Out From A Blood Test

Chick TTF font from you own handwriting - as a free oline service! christian

What a great service: http://www.fontcapture.com/
Many years ago, I created my own handwriting TTF with Corel Draw. I wonder if this service does a good job on kerning - That was a major effort back then.

How Much Are Ponytsil Extentio S

was caused by genetic disposition Is? Save your freedom

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Exercise Low Bmi Dangerous

Watch this video to your (bitter) end - namely, there is listed, as the parties have agreed with respect to the Internet Lock. Thus, for example, the Greens only 64.71% voted against it - pretty much if you look at the current election campaign, which expresses itself consistently and strongly opposed to monitoring.

why: On 27 September pirates choose! (Or even the FDP, but if you stop Internet blocking would like, but with neo-liberalism, lack of solidarity in society and social indifference to you).

From blogoff.de

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My 2005 Hyundai Is Overheating

The Shrill men in Germany Kultur

My Choir was visited by an editor of Germany Kultur and portrayed in a post. This is my and our opinion has become charming, and can (click on number 32) the audio-on-Demades service from dradio.de be heard.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ontario Driver Licence Template

You are a terrorist!

So remember: When the next federal election choose orange!

It is also worth the FAQ on http://www.dubistterrorist.de/ read.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Emerson E20 How To Take Out

Stop Censorship Ursula!

Please help with censorship Ursula (whose last name is actually "the laity" should be written) to stop! containment under the pretext of child pornography to do is to create an infrastructure that, with the Federal block any unwanted websites can. Here are the lists of websites to be blocked not made public and can be controlled by any independent body.

The chosen method of blocking sites is easy to get around. Instead of the pages from the network to take (the vast majority of states and providers to respond to notices to illegal sites very quickly and take the pages from the network), a stop sign is displayed, which is about as effective as a sign that says "robbing prohibited" at the door of a Bank. There is no question that we should do everything effective to curb child pornography - but not a purely cosmetic approaches that solely serve the CDU / CSU in the election campaign to bring votes.

If you anyone has a link under camouflaged pushes showing a child pornographic site and you will see the stop sign to be saved Your connection data including IP address and you are generally suspected to be a consumer of it!

This bill is unconstitutional, curtailing fundamental rights and interferes in the competence of the states.

Please go to the corresponding online petition of the German Bundestag and support them through your co-signing!

Please inform to you and make you your own opinion! More information can be found under in an article in Spiegel Online and with more technical background in Heise online.

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Best Way To Paint A Jon Boat

Copyright in the 21st century?

If the copyright in its current form, still applicable in today's society? Or is it even hurt her? Some really inspiring Thoughts from Lawrence Lessing - carried forward to rousing.

Is the old copyright law still applicable in today's society, or is it even harming it? Some very inspiring thoughts from Lawrence Lessig - presented in a compelling way!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Masterbaition Sugestions

Young Britons - Dionysian it!

In contrast to the many serious posts recently here an example of absolute trash journalism à la RTL explosives.

warning, not entirely safe for work!

Nevertheless, a feast for the eyes. And ok, I admit - now and then I stand on Prol. Especially when the testosterone which swells like this the ears like this here.

Still somehow disturbing! Everything was better! The gays were excessive and the relaxed and uptight straights. Where is the world coming to. But ultimately they're still stuck and loose only because of the alcohol. Since we do not have time lucky!

write comments but sometimes what you so think?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Can You Create Fake Abortion Papers

solidarity for same-sex couples in California

"Fidelity": Do not Divorce ... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo .

good thing - madness soundtrack!