Sunday, September 27, 2009

Monster Drink Distributing

Thank you, dear voter

Thanks to all the voters of black and yellow! Stay tuned for the next four years! You have your choice with risky given the job of the politicians
  • to run wide, irrespective of suspicion monitoring *)
  • operate a nationwide infrastructure censorship on the Internet *)
  • , old nuclear power plants continue to let
  • tuition nationwide introduce
  • genetically modified food in Germany to allow (and not to compensate organic farmers if their organic crops are infected with manipulated genes)
  • make jobs less secure by easing employment protection
  • the retirement age to 67 introduce
  • the two-tier health system strengthening
  • a passenger car toll introduce
  • just continue the economic policies that led to the current crisis
  • your tax money continues to banks to throw in the throat
  • social cuts operate
  • can to ensure that the remaining residual discrimination against gays and lesbians is cemented in Germany *)
  • How stupid you really are:
and last but not least?

A contrite

*), the FDP is against it, but we like with the bugging the CDU buckle

PS: Pirates nationwide from zero to 2%, with the first male voters, 13% and in Karlsruhe 3 , 5%. 2011, the Orange are in the Diet in 2013 in the Bundestag and BW! There


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